Census year: 2006 Geographical area: Local community services centre (CLSC) Topic: Ethnocultural and religious diversity Filter Order by Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 3 datasets found 2006. Population by age groups, sex, income groups and status, household living arrangements, first official language spoken and Visible Minority Groups, for Province of Quebec, RSS and CLSC 20% sample data. IVT (Beyond 20/20) 2006. Population 15 years and over by age groups, sex, labour force activity, highest certificate, diploma or degree, first official language spoken and visible minority groups, for Province of Quebec, CLSC and RSS 20% sample data. IVT (Beyond 20/20) 2006. Semi-custom Profile for Ethnic Origin and Census Family Income, for Province of Quebec, CLSC and RSS 20% sample data. IVT (Beyond 20/20)