2016. Mother Tongue, Age and Sex for the Population of Canada, Provinces and Territories and Federal Electoral Districts (2013 Representation Order)

100% data.

Data and Resources

  • Dataset

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Additional Information

Field Value
Census year 2016
Data type Table
  • Age, sex at birth, and gender
  • Language — Mother tongue
  • Population and demography
Geographical area
  • Province or territory (PR)
  • Federal electoral district (FED)
Age (27)
Geography (352)
Mother tongue (10)
Sex (3)
Language of dataset
  • English
  • French
Authors and contributors

Adapted from Statistics Canada, 98-400-X2016051, 2016. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.

Product number 98-400-X2016051
Date published 2024-03-30